The Plant a Tree Kit
Mighty oaks from tiny acorns grow - and this little kit can help you grow your very own. Collect your tree seed (a nut, winged-seed, berry or even a conker), and follow the instructions within - perhaps one day your tree will provide oxygen, habitat and food for creatures and birds, or even the shade for a picnic. It’s a wonderful thing to do now, for the future - and you can use your beautiful, wooden-handled trowel for other gardening jobs whilst you wait!
Here at the Wildlife Trust BCN, we're committed to increasing the sustainability of our products as much as possible by:
- Working with small, local and UK businesses to source items that are manufactured here in Great Britain, thus reducing their carbon footprint and helping to support the local economy.
- Choosing suppliers that share our sustainability goals and are working hard to eliminate plastic packaging.
- Choosing suppliers that use sustainably sourced and environmentally friendly materials.
This might mean that you'll pay a bit more for some of our items, but we hope you'll agree that they're worth it, both in terms of their excellent quality and the fact you'll be doing your bit to help the planet!